Sunday, September 14, 2008


Hi everyone...

       For those of you who have read my prev post on how to improve the memory, I would have mentioned how the interaction between the left and right side of the cortex.. is important for a better memory... Now, in order to remember well, the SMASHIN' SCOPE principles should be included in your associated and linked mental landscape. Wondering what this SMASHIN' SCOPE is... It is a mnemonic to the memory principles and here is what it stands for...
  • S - Synaesthesia/Sensuality - sensitise your imagination
  • M - Movement - make your images three dimensional 
  • A - Association - link it to something stable in your mental environment
  • S - Sexuality - I suppose I don't have to elaborate on this
  • H - Humour - the more funny/ ridiculous you imagination is, the better
  • I - Imagination - the power house of your memory technique
  • N - Number - it increases the efficiency
  • S - Symbolism - substituting meaningful image for an abstract concept improves recalling
  • C - Color - unleash your color palette
  • O - Order and/or sequence - in combination with the other principles, this increases the immediate reference
  • P - Positive Images - it is scientifically proven that the brain recalls positive images better
  • E - Exaggeration - exaggerate everything size, shape, sound and thus your memory
You must incorporate all the above in your imagination... The principles, a little bit of imagination and exaggeration and see your brain working wonders in remembering...

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