Sunday, August 24, 2008

The powerful dot

"Bindi - The Energy behind it"

Exotic women wearing a red dot on their forehead...Have you ever wondered why the women of India wear the little red dot on their forehead? Many people think that this little red dot has something to do with the caste system of India. The truth of the matter is that they have absolutely nothing to do with the caste system of India. They are such a part of India's heritage and culture that we must make mention of their value.

The very positioning of the bindi is significant. The area between the eyebrows is the seat of latent wisdom. This area is known as the "Agna" (6th chakra) meaning "command". It is said to control various levels of concentration attained through meditation. The central point of this area is the "Bindu" wherein all experience is gathered in total concentration. Tantric tradition has it that during meditation, the "kundalini" - the latent energy that lies at the base of the spine is awakened and rises to the point of sahasrara (7th chakra) situated in the head or brain. The central point, the bindhu, becomes therefore a possible outlet for this potent energy. It is believed that the red kumkum lies between the eyebrows to retain energy in the human body.

Now-a-days…There are lots of Indian women, especially young "modern" girls, who don't wear it because it doesn't look "modern" or “western”!!... Here is to all you girls and women. India is known for its culture, and there are many countries and nations which are borrowing the culture from India. Fashion does not always mean western. For those of you whe are shying away to wear bindi just because you don’t think it is modern.. rethink.. You may in fact create a new fashion statement with it. And moreover.. We don't need to impress anyone on anything! Ours is a unique identity with many beautiful features, one being the ever-enchanting bindi. It is something we shouldn't allow to fade away like some old fad!

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